ALPHA Course at Holy Family

We are beginning an ALPHA course for Catholics right here at Holy Family!

What is Alpha for Catholics? It is really an open forum where one can ask about the most fundamental tenets of faith. After several conversations about our RCIA program (now named Order of Christian Initiation for Adults – OCIA) we determined there are people coming to us who are not familiar with Christ – let alone The Church. This is a seven week course with dinner included which is both visual-based (videos) as well as discussion based. We will begin with a meal and then show a video.

We are hoping to get 15 people to do this first try, which begins on February 18 at 6:30 PM. This course is for adults in Classroom 8 of the school (ground level); There will be signs posted at the school entrance. ALPHA is really well equipped to deal in the electronic age and the Social Media age. Check out:

Please contact the Parish office to sign up at [email protected] or 703-670-8161. You don’t have to be a registered parishioner to sign up, live in parish boundaries, or be a Catholic.